
  Make a start by looking at some of the most popular NFT gaming titles. Cryptoblades: Cryptoblades is a click-based RPG game similar to the popular Elderscrolls franchise. Players battle, create weapons and level up their characters. The in-game token and native currency is called SKILL. For users to play, they’ll need Binance (BNB) tokens, a BNB account and a MetaMask wallet. Upland: Upland is an NFT metaverse powered by the EOS blockchain. Its in-game coin is called UPX. In the game, you can buy, sell and trade virtual properties mapped on to real world addresses. Players can earn returns and collect fees from visitors coming to their properties. Players can also build neighbourhoods together. Essentially, imagine a world-wide virtual monopoly you can earn an income from!

  Axie Infinity: In Axie Infinity , players breed, trade and look after digital monsters called Axies. Players invest their time into breeding, caring for and trading rare and unique Axies with high earning potential. Imagine the popular Pokemon franchise with a cryptocurrency attached to the most sought-after cards. Other popular NFT games include The Sandbox 3D, Splinterlands and Gods Unchained. How Big is the Potential for P2E Gaming? If you type “how big is the nft gaming market” into Google search, you’ll see some pretty big numbers. As we stated earlier, clearly the NFT market has huge potential for the future. People want one-of-a-kind and unique items. The NFT market is similar to the world of art trading, except everyone has a stake in it and can create their own NFT. Then, let’s take a look at mobile and console gaming. The highest earning mobile games including Candy Crush, Pokemon Go and Honor Of Kings have grossed billions of dollars. In 2020, Animal Crossing: New Horizons sold 7 million copies across Europe. In August 2021, Axie Infinity recorded $1.1 billion USD in sales . As a result of the spread of Covid-19 in 2020, the gaming industry was worth more than the movie and sports industry combined in North America . It’s clear to see just how lucrative and exciting the gaming industry is. More than that, the NFT gaming industry is just at the beginning of its lifespan. We can see from popular mobile games, Animal Crossing and Axie Infinity how popular collectible and trading games are.

  NFT gaming could be a way to introduce an entire new generation to crypto, whilst crypto enthusiasts find new ways to invest in the gaming market. The potential for P2E gaming is unlimited. The time is now to launch your NFT game. There’s no time to waste! So next up, Invatechs is going to take you through the key steps for creating your own NFT game. We’ll then wrap up with how our blockchain expertise could get your NFT game to a legendary blue chip status. Invatechs’ Guide for Building an NFT Game Step 1 – Design & Business Analysis: First of all, you need a product. Before you decide what type of game you’re going to design, it’s pivotal you conduct market research and competitor analysis. Explore which games are doing well. Start off with the list we provided above, for example. You could create a sports game, puzzle, roleplay or strategy game. Whatever you decide, remember, at the core you need digital items that people will be desperate to get hold of. This is where your creativity can come in. Perhaps you have a designer or concept art for a unique, exciting set of collectible characters.

  Take the time to research with interviews, workshops, and customer personas. Creativity has to meet with business in this phase. That’s why you’ll want knowledgeable game enthusiasts, designers and crypto experts on your team. This is another important step to consider: who is on your team? Blockchain expertise and post-launch maintenance is crucial for your game’s success. This is something you’ll need to consider in the early stages. First of all, you need a product. Before you decide what type of game you’re going to design, it’s pivotal you conduct market research and competitor analysis. Explore which games are doing well. Start off with the list we provided above, for example. You could create a sports game, puzzle, roleplay or strategy game. Whatever you decide, remember, at the core you need digital items that people will be desperate to get hold of. This is where your creativity can come in. Perhaps you have a designer or concept art for a unique, exciting set of collectible characters. Take the time to research with interviews, workshops, and customer personas. Creativity has to meet with business in this phase. That’s why you’ll want knowledgeable game enthusiasts, designers and crypto experts on your team. This is another important step to consider: who is on your team? Blockchain expertise and post-launch maintenance is crucial for your game’s success. This is something you’ll need to consider in the early stages. With Invatechs, we partner with clients from the beginning of their project. We create data and results driven products with our blockchain and DeFi expertise . After the project is completed, we provide maintenance that ensures the product is optimal and scalable.

  Step 2 – Architecture, UX & Development: To start with, are you building a WebApp or Mobile App? This is crucial for defining the game’s UX. You might have also seen something called dApps during your crypto research. These are simply applications built on blockchain technologies. Web apps are accessible from any browser. That means you’re reaching a wider audience. However, mobile apps provide far better functionality and speed. This might be necessary for the type of game you’re building. Then, you’ll need to consider if you want to develop for iOS, Android or with a Progressive Web App (PWA). This is where prior market research will come in handy, again. What devices are gamers using? Above all, you need to know about the functionality and demands of your game. Of course, you’ll also want to consider what can fit in your budget. It’s a difficult balance, but one you need to get right. Our InvaBlog on native vs progressive web apps goes into much more detail with lots of advice. We’d recommend you check it out to get a fuller picture before you proceed with building. When you have decided on the type of app, consider your TechStack. If you don’t know where to start, GitHub have a wide range of software and templates. When creating your game, you need to consider how the front-end, back-end, hosting and smart contracts are all connected. For the Frontend, you could write using JavaScript or TypeScript. For the frameworks, React , Vue and Angular are popular choices. You’ll also need to utilise a developer like Corda or Hyperledger Fabric to connect to the Ethereum blockchain.


  Step – Wallets & Smart Contracts: Nothing in crypto is complete without a wallet. However, only certain wallets will hold NFTs which you’ll need for your game. The most popular and safe wallet to go with is Metamask . This wallet will connect you to the largest potential NFT gaming audience. Apart from Metamask, popular wallets include Enjin , Math Wallet and Trust Wallet . We’re sure you already know by now, but smart contracts are essential. These define the rules and functionalities of the game’s NFT activities. The security and quality of your app depends on them. The most popular, widely used language we’d recommend for writing them is Solidity . How do the frontend and backend work? So, the smart contract requests the NFT’s URL. The URL frontend will do an axios request and will retrieve the NFT’s metadata stored in the backend. For the backend, we’d recommend another popular language like node.js . Step 4 – Quality Assurance Testing: Here’s a checklist for testing your game:

 Start by testing the app on your own computer and run the network locally. Create a Ganache mainnet fork. This will give you a lite version of the Ethereum network detached from the mainnet. An Ethereum testnet like Ropsten and Kovan . Verify your source code with a third-party like Etherscan or Etherchain . Step 5 – Launch & Post-Maintenance: Your app is designed, tested and ready for the market. Congratulations! Now the hard work really begins. Crypto is always changing and evolving. As we know, it’s a volatile currency with new technologies and competing markets. Whilst you’re juggling managing a successful crypto project, you need to remember your product is a piece of entertainment. It needs to hook your audience and keep them coming back. This is why NFT games are such a big project. You need to combine DeFi and blockchain expertise with app management and a commercially viable game. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry. With Invatechs’ app development and blockchain expertise, we can get your project from initial concept to launch. Post launch, we’re able to keep your game running with our maintenance services. FAQs How much NFT activity is gaming activity? According to DappRadar , in the third quarter of 2021, almost half of the industry’s activity was connected to gaming. What is the metaverse? The metaverse is an immersive online realm where people can meet, trade, work and play. It’s becoming increasingly popular for NFT gaming; like in Upland, for example. What other emerging and popular blockchains are there apart from Ethereum? Binance, Polkadot and Elrond are amongst popular alternative blockchains. You can find a fuller list and some more helpful information on nonfungibleownership’s website. What NFT games should I keep an eye out for? We’d recommend checking out Sipher , Star Atlas and Illuvium . In – What Will It Take to Conquer NFT Gaming? In this article, we’ve covered what you need to know about NFT gaming and how you can get started building your own. Clearly, the market is huge and ripe with potential. NFT gaming has only just began. Launching your own NFT game could be an exciting, creative and unique crypto project. Still, we understand that navigating the world of crypto can be challenging. For you app to be successful, it requires more than a great concept. You need in-depth blockchain and DeFi knowledge. You need a team behind you that can implement your game and ensure it has responsive maintenance.

  Thanks to the ever-evolving cutting-edge technologies, the world has witnessed a vast and massive impact on the gaming industry, businesses, revenues, and the tech industry itself. Furthermore, the induction of NFT technology has diversified the gaming landscape with its nifty, secure, and industry-leading aspects. Consider how much you know about NFT game development beyond its full name, "Non-Fungible Tokens." What are NFTs? How many of you appreciate the distinctiveness of your prized possessions? Your smartphone, for example, is dear to you; you won't exchange it for someone else's. The reason is that you have some personal attachment to or have become accustomed to it, and you don't want to let that go. Any object with such irreplaceability and scarcity should get protected. Let's take this example to the digital world; an NFT is a digital asset with unique qualities and attributes that don't match another NFT. Since each NFT is unique, security becomes crucial for NFT owners. Therefore, each NFT has a unique value and distinguished information stored in a blockchain. These NFTs could be a piece of creative art, music, game character, GIFs, domain names, videos, in-game assets, avatars, etc. However, cryptocurrencies (Dogecoin, ether, bitcoin) are exchangeable digital assets used for online trading. We can't forget to mention smart contracts while we highlight non-fungible tokens. Smart contracts manage the NFT's transferability and the automated execution of sale agreements without any mediator's involvement. Examples of NFT Games Why have NFTs become a hype in the gaming landscape?


  Well, NFTs have offered the opportunity for P2E game development. The NFT play-to-earn games have become the center of attraction for gamers, and game developers and more people are inclined toward NFT games. According to the statics, you can identify a huge number of players were interested in NFT games as of January 2022. Moreover, an annual report generated from the blockchain alliance shows that NFT games have generated 2.32B USD in revenue in the Q3 of 2021. Moreover, the P2E sector and the in-game true ownership capability of assets have been the reason why the blockchain-based NFT games embrace rapid success. Alien Worlds This p2e sci-fi adventure game revolves around NFT-based alien species with an exciting storyline revolving around how players will trap the alien and get their services like mining on land plots using various tools. The game consists of click-mining and trillium staking. TLM is the cryptocurrency of the Alien world, and players will use TLM tokens for NFT trading purposes, winning battles or successfully complete mission. The value of a single share of TLM was $0.14 with the circulation of 914 million in-game TLM coins as of April 2022, and as of January 2022, the number of user accounts was 1,160,000 recorded. Also read: All NFT games to date Track9 Track9 is another play-to-earn (P2E) NFT game example that enthrall players in a realistic dog racing scenarios with an engaging 3D interface while also earning through betting. The dog characters are built as NFTs that the user can breed to enhance their attributes, increasing the chances of winning the race and selling them at a higher price.

  The storyline is based on realistic racing environment as there are eight gates that follow the first-come, first-serve rule, while the race winning dog will be awarded the best in-game reputation, which ultimately increases their value and will be sold at a great price on the OpenSea. However, the Tyson coin is used to make the trade possible, and the player is required to connect a wallet to MetaMask for in-game trading. Axie Infinity Axie Infinity is another example of an NFT p2e game based on the fighting genre. The Axies are Ethereum-minted NFTs that users breed, collect, raise, use in battle, and trade with users. Moreover, players can customize their Axies or choose them from different Axie types. Players will be rewarded with the love potions on winning the battle and can sell them for AXS tokens. Moreover, more than eight million players are registered to this NFT-based game, and almost 2.8 M active players enjoy playing it daily. Hence it has been increasing the crypto asset-based economy. Around 23% of AXS tokens were circulating, which means 60.9 M AXS, while each AXS share value was $66 as of April 2022. But what would you’d have to do to develop an NFT game? NFT Game Development Checklist So, here’s an important NFT project checklist to consider when you decide to build an NFT game. So, let’s dive right into it!

  Conceptualization Game development requires an immaculate vision and a nifty idea that can turn out to be the best and most robust game that rocks the tech industry. A game conceptualization comprises unique and creative ideas, market research, scope analysis, and untiring effort until your idea gets transformed into an exhilarating game. Ask yourself: what game genre would you like – shooters, sports, action-adventure, roleplaying, party games, or multiplayer online battle aroma (MOBA)? What model would be the best accordingly? What type of audience will you attract? What would be the mechanics and potential features of your game? Decide on the game size and carry out thorough research on your game idea. Tip: building a game prototype or minimum viable product (MVP) could help you test your game idea with an actual audience and help you improvise your idea with conceptualization. Also read: Build NFT P2E games with Unity game engine. Game Design After a clear conceptualization, a game’s success heavily relies on how you implement your idea into game design. At this stage, you design game characters, environment, components, and features while keeping the user experience in sheer focus.


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